Public water hydrants

Yleinen vesiposti talvella lumihangessa.

Public water hydrants in Hamina are intended for use by local residents and summer residents.

A usage contract must always be made with Haminan Vesi. New users receive the key from the office (Satamantie 4 B, 2nd floor).

Can be scrolled
(VAT 0 %)(VAT 25,5 %)
Public water hydrant60,00 €/ year75,30 €/ year

The invoice will be sent to the customers’ home address at the end of the year.

A map showing current public water hydrants in Hamina: Hevossaarentie in Salmi, Mäkelänkankaantie in Neuvoton, Seppäläntie in Summa, Varvinkatu in Pitäjänsaari, Ruokotie in Salmenkylä, Vepanpolku in Alakaupunki and Vilniemen seurantalo in Vilniemi.
Current public water hydrants in Hamina.