Contact information

office opening hours
monday – friday 9 – 11 and 13 – 15

Meetings at the office should be arranged separately.

Visiting address
Satamantie 4 B, 2 kerros

Postal address
PL 70, 49401  HAMINA
email: firstname.lastname(a)

Billing address
PL 18, 49401 HAMINA
business ID: 0242496-6

e-invoicing address
Operator ID: BAWCFI22
EDI: 00370242496620

Haminan Vesi complies with the reverse VAT obligation for the purchase/sale of construction services.

Administration and customer service

Managing director
Olli Sorvari, tel: 050 465 0638

Customer service  (change of ownership, invoicing, etc)
05 749 2510 mon – fri 9 – 11 and 13 – 15

Invoice payments and payment arrangements
Ropo Capital (09) 2315 0433 mon – fri 8:00-20:00 and sat 10:00-15:00 or 

Technical advice
Tiina Kaartinen, tel: 040 635 7110

Work orders and service advice during the day
05 749 2777 mon-thu 8-15.00 and fri 8-11.00

Kari Kääriä

Kai Veikkolainen

Matters concerning storm water (Haminan kaupunki)
Nina Korjus tel. 040 199 1674

Vesimittari ja asennustyökaluja lampun valossa pimeän huoneen lattialla.

Plumber on call outside office hours
tel. 0400 650 854